Special Event for Automotive Cybersecurity

Venue: East Hall, Tokyo Big Sight     No advance registration required/Free of charge

The target is Tesla cars – Pwn2Own Automotive 2025, a global ethical hacking event

"Pwn2Own Automotive" is the world's only hacking competition exclusively focused on vulnerabilities related to connected car technology. Hosted by the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) and VicOne, a vulnerability discovery community operated by TrendMicro, the event will take place within AUTOMOTIVE WORLD. Top-tier security researchers from around the globe will take on the challenge of hacking in 4 distinct areas. The complex and innovative attack scenarios exploiting vulnerabilities discovered by participants offer valuable insights for automakers (OEMs) and Tier 1 suppliers to better prepare for real-world attacks. We invite you to witness this event on-site. (Free to participate/No advance registration required)

Title Sponsor: Tesla Motor

4 Areas to Hack: Tesla Car, In-Vehicle Infotainment, EV Charger, Operating System

No advance registration required. Come directly to the venue.

* The event will be held at East Hall, inside AUTOMOTIVE WORLD. Please register yourself for a visitor badge of AUTOMOTIVE WORLD from below.

2 ways for your visitor registration to AUTOMOTIVE WORLD. Choose one from below

                                  Manager or above job Title

Please check here for the details on VIP privileges.

For more details, please refer to the official website.